
lino prints

archival prints



Jessie Winch is a graphic designer and artist. Having come from a family of artists and being constantly surrounded by such a creative environment, she had little choice but to follow suit.

From an early age she studied many forms of art including printmaking, drawing, painting and ceramics. As it turned out, printmaking was the medium that resonated the most. Jessie has practiced this artform for many years, while simultaneously working in various galleries and studying Graphic Design at the Enmore Design Centre, Sydney, where she achieved an Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design.

She continues to work for galleries and artists, specialising in graphic and website design for the arts industries, as well as pursuing her own art practice incorporating lino prints, collagraph prints, pen and ink drawing, and more recently, sculpture.

 selected clients / projects

client portfolios coming soon

A more comprehensive list of past work can be found here.


See more and follow @jesswinchdesign